For some individuals, decision-making can be a challenge. People may feel this way for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they are lacking confidence in their knowledge about the situation or problem and don’t feel as though they are making the most informed decision possible. Other times, they may be bombarded by information from a number of sources, perhaps conflicting informants, and have difficulty discerning what is best. And of course, many struggle with decision-making simply because there are so many decisions to be made, ranging from simple choices such as what to eat for breakfast to those with great implications in a complex business deal. We are constantly consumed by the need to make a choice, and the correct one, of course. This can become overwhelming for many and can lead to analysis paralysis, or the choice to take no action rather than risk possibly choosing the incorrect option. However, inaction can be detrimental to one’s momentum and mindset. As Harry S. Truman said, “Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time.”
So, how can we overcome this? Is it possible for us to actually prepare our minds for these opportunities? Can we fine-tune our ability to respond to moments of decision through making shifts in our lives? And if so, what are these shifts?
In today’s world, we are constantly on the go. In a day packed full of meetings, work, and family and personal obligations, one can go throughout an entire day and not have one silent moment. This quiet relaxation time is necessary to allow your mind to unwind and wander. This becomes a prime opportunity to uncover solutions you have been seeking. Listen to music, meditate, or journal your thoughts into words. All of these techniques can help you make the most of this quiet time. However, you must remember to protect this quiet time within your busy schedule. It can only be useful to you if you actually use it. Avoid overbooking your calendar or substituting this time with other pressing appointments.
A positive outlook is a key component of being able to make good decisions. After all, if you are always focusing on the negative, are you really opening your mind to all available possibilities or are you simply disregarding every possible solution because of potential negative outcomes? Studies have shown that those with positive mindsets are better equipped to have mental breakthroughs during their decision-making moments. In every situation, you have a choice to focus on the positive or the negative. Choosing to focus on the negative does not serve you in any way, while positivity has many potential benefits that reach far beyond your decision-making ability.
When confronted with decisions, especially difficult or impactful ones, it can be easy to stress or obsess over potential outcomes. However, sometimes it may be best to take a step back and remove yourself from the process for a bit. This allows you to clear your mind and see the situation from a high level, providing greater clarity. This is why many people will “sleep on it,” meaning they will wait until the next morning to fully decide. Sometimes a good night’s sleep is just what you need to decompress and release your focus. You may also consider engaging in other activities to take your mind off the decision. These could include participating in hobbies, spending time with family, or exercising. Remember, the wonderful aspect of making decisions is that if you make the wrong one, you are only one decision away from changing your situation.
By integrating these three simple steps into your daily routine, you can prime your mind to respond more efficiently and effectively when confronted with a decision that requires your response.
Do you have some big decisions to make in your life? Would you love to chat with someone who can help you strategize? I’d love to talk with you. Click here to book a free strategy session with me:
Mariana Lacombe