Exclusively for CEO Founders

I haven’t talked about this until now, but these are some of the results of my clients over the past few years…

  • Increased their business profitability by 200% in 6 months
  • Bought their dream house in less than 1 year
  • Quadrupled their business revenue in 3 years
  • Enjoyed one awesome vacation per quarter, when in the past they didn’t feel worthy of taking time off
  • Hired a dream team that keeps their business machine running while they enjoy their wealth
  • Doubled their net worth in record time

This is what a “Ghost CEO” can do for you!

I’m now bringing this out into the world and you have an opportunity to experience legendary results and exclusive support.

That’s why I’m very excited to announce the launch of Freedom Alchemy, an exclusive Advisory program designed to help CEO Founders maximize business profits, optimize operations, and create new money pathways so they can double their net worth and free themselves from the daily hustle.

In Freedom Alchemy, you have me as a sounding board and key person to go to for the big business decisions, to solve problems, make tough decisions, and immediately take action without all the second-guessing (especially when things get really tough).

I will go into the business as I’m a second CEO, like a Ghost CEO of the business, and assess all the areas –  finances, sales, operations, time management… to determine the bleeding necks or holes that drain profits and time.

By assessing these areas, I create a plan to improve where the problem is and plug those holes, so we quickly pinpoint where the money is going away or where the money isn’t coming from.

Consequently, you as a CEO and business owner, will increase your earnings and your net worth dramatically. After all, your business is a goldmine!
I’ll also assess how you manage your money today, and how you can better protect your wealth and accumulate more, so you can fund your biggest dreams.

There is a methodology for that:

  • Each week we have a CEO meeting.
  • Between weeks we can communicate any time.
  • We do that for one year because this is a business. We are turning it around and dramatically improving its results while we make lifestyle changes so that you can finally enjoy your success by being able to spend time doing the things you love with the people you love or even just do nothing and enjoy unscheduled days off.
  • The money ceiling has to be broken to create wealth not only for yourself but to set your family up for generational wealth.
  • You will create results so you work fewer hours and get more out of the time and effort that you put into the business.
  • You will create better standards, elevate your personal magnetism, and activate the frequency of wealth through mindset rewiring and smart strategies.
  • And I come in alongside you as your right-hand woman, like a ghost CEO to partner with you inside your business…

Everything starts with my Freedom Alchemy Assessment and I want to make it available to you right away!


Here’s how it works:
Freedom Alchemy Assessment is for CEO founders who want to figure out how they can double their net worth while massively improving their business profitability and step out of the day-to-day hustle of the business and have more time freedom to enjoy their success while continuing to scale up the business.

In this assessment, we will:

Step 1: Find the Gold - I’ll look at the many vehicles you have to make money and assess the ones that need improvement, the ones that need to be created, and the ones that you need to let go of.

Step 2: Create a Profit Vortex - Your business is an important vehicle, so I will review your business numbers and how profitable and healthy the business is through a profitability analysis.

Step 3: Unlock your Money Magnet - I’ll then pinpoint your mental money blocks that are creating your income glass ceiling, so you can then become a money magnet.

Step 4: Set your business up for Generational Wealth - I’ll show you how your business can generate the income you need to create wealth not only for yourself but for your kids and grandkids.

This is a $2,200 investment and I only offer this to my VIP clients and those who qualify.

2023 Bonus: when you book this by December 31st, you can receive this 2.2K assessment completely FREE.
But… There are 10 of these available and they’re first come, first serve.

This is only for people who:
  • Are already generating $250,000 and above with their business
  • Are ready to invest in Advisory
  • Are coachable and open to change and to grow massively

This is a 90-minute session…..here’s what you need to bring:
  • Your business YTD income statement
  • Your current asset list
  • Your current debt
  • Your monthly income, per month, in 2023
  • 3 top goals for 2024
  • Your coachability and enthusiasm

And… if it seems like a fit…. we’ll talk about how I can help you by coming alongside you in your business as your personal CEO Advisor.

Again, this is completely free to you but I only have a few slots open for this next week! Click here to schedule your Assessment.

I look forward to hearing back from you!


Mariana Lacombe
